What I Am Grateful For.

Life is great and I am grateful. Every step I take brings me closer towards my ambitions and this is what I take comfort in…

“All I know for certain is that this is how I want to spend my life–collaborating to the best of my ability with forces of inspiration that I can neither see, nor prove, nor command, nor understand.”

Elizabeth Gilbert

Grateful For Those Around Me.

No feeling, other than love, trumps that of receiving genuine interest. I am blessed and grateful to have people in my life who are genuinely interested in establishing a connection. My family loves me, my girlfriend supports me, and my friends inspire me. I often times isolate myself whenever I want to work on something and this sometimes serves as an obstacle in my relationships. My closest relationships understand this and for that I am especially grateful.

The only reason I mention these things is because I have seen people sacrifice parts of themselves in order to spend more time satisfying others. It is important in my life that I have plenty of time to chase my dreams and learn things about myself. People are more than their resume, more than their appearance, more than their possessions and especially more than their personality. There are certain experiences that people encounter that simply can not be shared adequately. Although, one experience that people can share is the wonderful experience of the present…and for this I am grateful.

Grateful For My Situation

Time is fleeting only if you choose not to pay attention. Whenever I take a step back from worrying I realize how truly privileged I am. Surely, I can find something to complain about, but today I chose to acknowledge all of the wonderful things that make my life what it is. The universe has a wonderful way of reminding me that life truly is what I make of it. I can choose to be complacent but instead I crave fulfillment.

“If my plan is to sit around waiting for another such unadulterated and impassioned creative visitation, I may be waiting for a very long time. So I don’t sit around waiting to write until my genius decides to pay me a visit. If anything, I have come to believe that my genius spends a lot of time waiting around for me–waiting to see if i’m truly serious about this line of work.”

Elizabeth Gilbert

…And for this I am grateful.